Friday, November 12, 2010

You chose not to choose.

Sometimes it happens that no matter what you do everything is wrong, isn't it tempting not to choose? In order to leave more doors open? Is one a coward, if one doesn't want to choose? Not choosing, remaining... Everything around you is moving, changing. Why do you refuse to change? Is it really better not to know, don't you prefer to know? Don't you prefer a rejection to an 'itching if'?
By leaving doors open you don't close any, but you're not going anywhere either. Do you really want to spend your life in a hallway? or do you prefer choosing, even if it means leaving the secure, maybe even comforting hallway? Do you really want to know what could go wrong, do you really want to risk it or do you just want to stop changing, becoming a different human being everyday? Why is it that sometimes not to choose is so comforting, even though we know that not choosing, is worse - because you choose to not go on, to stay where you are only out of fear, too afraid that something might occur you won't like.

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